These tasty fritters have very few ingredients, making them an easy option to whip up and serve when you’re short on time.
Pumpkin & Zucchini Fritters
servingsPrep time
2.5 cups grated butternut pumpkin
2.5 cups grated zucchini
2/3 cup almond flour/meal
2 large eggs
1.5 Tbsp minced sage/herbs
1/4 tsp Himalayan pink salt
1/8 tsp ground black pepper
- Preheat oven to 95°C and place a rack in the middle.
- Remove excess moisture from vegetable after grating using paper towel.
- In a large bowl combine shredded butternut pumpkin, zucchini, almond flour, eggs, sage, salt, and pepper.
- Mix well until combined.
- Heat two/three tablespoons of oil/ghee in a large heavy frying pan over medium-high heat.
- When sizzling scoop 2 heaping tablespoons of mixture into the pan, press them flat with the help of a spatula, and cook until golden-brown, about 3 minutes on each side.
- Pop the cooked fritters in the oven to keep them warm.
- Serve with a side salad or portion of organic/lean meat chicken, beef, lamb, fish or add homemade pate.