A classic kiwi dish, that takes delicious smoked fish to make it even more delicious in a pie. Note – Leave out cheese if you have been advised to follow a GAPS diet.

Smoked Fish Pie



Prep time




  • 1 good sized smoked fish (or 2x 450 gram cans) shredded 

  • Good handful of parsley, chopped finely

  • 1/2 red onion, chopped

  • For the White Sauce
  • 1 small/medium head of cauliflower (approx. 4 cups), boiled 

  • 1 cup of cashews, soaked in boiling water for an hour

  • 1-2 cloves of garlic

  • Salt

  • White pepper

  • Splash of organic coconut milk (no additives) or water from the vegetables

  • 1 cup of cheese, grated (if not following GAPS)

  • For the Mash
  • 4 large carrots

  • 1 medium pumpkin

  • Butter to taste


  • Soak cashews, then chop and boil the carrot and pumpkin in one pot and cauli in another.
  • While that boils pull apart your smoked fish OR strain and put your canned fish into your baking dish. Add the garlic and parsley.
  • Strain the water off the cashews and cauliflower and blend together with the garlic, salt, pepper, and cheese. Pour sauce over the fish mix and work in. 
  • Mash the carrot and pumpkin with butter and salt to taste. 
  • Top the fish mix with the mash and bake for around 30 mins till golden

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