The Nutristat Test is a comprehensive test designed to assist in improving nutritional and metabolic health through a simple blood and urine sample. This report covers an extensive range of biomarkers involved in metabolic health, thyroid health, cardiovascular health, and hormone health. This panel also includes an in-depth analysis of mineral and metal status, essential fatty acids, amino acids, organic acids and many more. Due to the diverse range of analytes measured in this profile it can be suitably requested for individuals with many different conditions and for those who wish to identify functional nutritional needs.
Analytes tested:
- Liposcreen LDL subfractions
- Cholesterol
- Triglycerides
- LDL subfractions (x7)
- Particle Size
- Free T4
- Free T3
- Reverse T3
- FT3:RT3 Ratio
- Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) antibodies
- Anti-Thyroglobulin (ATG) antibodies
- TSH Receptor antibodies
Essential Fatty Acids
- Total Saturated fats, Total Monounsaturated fats, Total Omega-3, Total Omega-6,
- Total Omega-9; Omega-3:Omega-6, Omega-6: Omega-3, AA:EPA, Omega-3 Index;
- Omega-3 fatty acids (ALA, EPA, DPA, DHA), Omega-6 fatty acids (LA, GLA, EDA, AA,
- DTA, DPA), Monounsaturated fats, Saturated fats; Total Trans fats, Trans fat Index
Sex Hormones
- Estrone (E1)
- Estradiol (E2)
- Estriol (E3)
- Progesterone
- Testosterone
- Free Testosterone
- Prolactin
- LH
Organic Acids
- Fatty Acid Metabolism
- Carbohydrate Metabolism
- Energy Production Markers
- B-Complex Vitamin Markers
- Methylation Cofactor Markers
- Neurotransmitter Metabolism Markers
- Oxidative Damage and Antioxidant Markers
- Detoxification Indicators
- Bacterial Markers
- Clostridial Markers
- Yeast/Fungal Markers
- Nutritional Markers
- Oxalate Markers
Blood minerals
Heavy Metals
- Liposcreen LDL subfractions
My DNA Comprehensive Test is a genetic strength and weaknesses summary for each section which helps to identify key focus areas for health so we can easily see where a patient may be doing well compared to the areas of concern or where a patient could improve.
- The test covers an extensive 92 genes, and 113 SNP’s across the following categories:
- Digestion
- Energy
- Hormones
- Stress & Cognitive Performance
- Inflammation
- Athletic Performance
- DNA Protection & Repair
- Detoxification
- The test covers an extensive 92 genes, and 113 SNP’s across the following categories:
- Results and interpretation of each test with comprehensive treatment and supplement protocol.
- Complete tailored nutrition and lifestyle plan that is specific for your health and wellness goals.
- 1 x 60 min initial consultation
- 6 x 30 min follow up consultations
- Access to Key Nutrition’s treasure chest of all health and wellness resources
- Ongoing email support
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